Dear All Secure Family,

With the Prime Minister’s announcement, our Auckland Branches will remain at Covid-19 Alert Level 4 and all other Branches moving to Covid-19 Alert Level 2 from 11:59pm Tuesday 7 September 2021.

For all Branches outside of Auckland (Covid-19 Alert Level 2):

Office hours will be business as usual but operating under Covid-19 Alert Level 2 guidelines. These include:

  • Face coverings are required to be worn in our office spaces.
  • Scanning in using the COVID Contact Tracing App.
  • Sanitising on your way in.
  • Face coverings are required to be worn while onsite accessing your unit.


For Auckland Branches (Covid-19 Alert Level 4):

Self-Storage is considered an ‘Essential Business’ as we are part of the Essential Supply Chain that essential businesses such as first responders and freight carriers etc operate from our facilities. All Secure Self Storage’s facilities will remain open for our customers to access their respective storage units for “Essential Supplies”:, but we do ask that you make use of the COVID Contact Tracing app and face coverings are worn when visiting our sites and remember to practice social distancing if others are onsite.

Our Online Services for Storage and Packing will continue to operate. Our Packaging service will continue to operate via Courier only NO pickups.

Our staff will be onsite between 10am-11am where the Facility will be on full lock down as the Facility clean is completed and other necessary checks completed.

Thanks for your continued support and we will provide a further update as or when further information is supplied.